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Samsung has issued a firmware upgrade for its first Android phone – i7500 Galaxy. The update brings firmware to version I7500VIAIG6, but we’re not exactly sure what’s changed after you’ve hit the button. We do, however, know that we’re always for keeping our devices’ firmware up to date, and hence, recommend all Galaxy owners to proceed and make their smartphone run the freshest firmware possible.You’ll need Samsung’s new PC-Studio software

Glass mobile phone another latest mobile phones

Posted by Mobile Buzz Sunday, September 19, 2010

Latest Mobile Phones 1To be different from earlier models all latest mobile phones have some new and unique features which makes them different from others.
Some latest mobile phones are concentrating on camera than some concentrate on other multimedia option but this new mobile phone as Glass Mobile phone is concentrating on weather conditions. If you want to know the weather of your city than this new mobile phone have unique feature to display the weather on it own screen.
If this will be sunny day than this glass mobile phone will display as clear screen, if its rainy than screen will change into drops format and if its snow that this phone will have fog kind of look.


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