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Samsung has issued a firmware upgrade for its first Android phone – i7500 Galaxy. The update brings firmware to version I7500VIAIG6, but we’re not exactly sure what’s changed after you’ve hit the button. We do, however, know that we’re always for keeping our devices’ firmware up to date, and hence, recommend all Galaxy owners to proceed and make their smartphone run the freshest firmware possible.You’ll need Samsung’s new PC-Studio software

Best Mobile Connected Device (Non Handsets)

Posted by Mobile Buzz Friday, August 27, 2010






Novatel Wireless, Inc. – Novatel Wireless MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot

The MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspot creates a personal cloud of high-speed Internet connectivity that can be easily shared between up to five users or Wi-Fi devices such as laptops, cameras, gaming devices and multimedia players, enabling access to high-speed Internet connectivity from anywhere there is a cellular connection, including moving trains or vehicles. The device also features a rich Linux-based application platform, able to support a multitude of both consumer and business focused applications, including usage tracking, email caching, location based services, and AutoVPN support.


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